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I'm an illustrator and book designer located in Holyoke, MA. Contact me for commissions or with questions at Visit my website:

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Here is a (Cat) Heart

Oh hey. Below is a cat-comic/drawing. It's my interpretation of the wonderful song 'Here is a Heart' by the fantastic Jenny Owen Youngs. If you haven't yet, you should definitely give her a listen--she is a super amazing writer and musician.

The drawing is sort of large and hard to display on a screen, so I've provided some close-ups below the over-all view. For you're convenience. 


A birthday drawing for Jozen.

An illustration of the verse "Anyway you got my goose/ You're swallowing me like kudzu/ Pretty soon I'll be a leafy silhouette/ But you can pick my voice out of the wilderness" from the song Half a Mind by Jenny Owen Youngs

A trial drawing for Creative Revival.

A portrait of my father at his desk.

Animal portrait 1: Shiloh & Elke.

Animal portrait 2: Stephen.

Animal portrait 3: Adam & Omar.

Animal portrait 4: Emmet & Gaby.